Æther Cavendish
1 min readJan 11, 2021


I’m a serious yogini, a student of Christopher D. Wallis and also a sexual being! Thank you for providing some background on classical tantra here, as there is a lot of confusion about this term. Tantra Illuminated has very much become one of my reference books and I must say that I’ve approached some of the practices through a sensual lens, the outcome of which has been for me to get a better understanding of the contours of my own desire. In this sense, I think the boundaries between different expressions of self-inquiry needn’t be quite so impermeable (note that for what it’s worth, I’m quite certain Chris Wallis would disagree).

While I’m here, I’d also like to share with you that I am half French, which is anecdotal in the context of this piece. I wanted to share that I’ve really enjoyed reading your experience of the contrast between Anglo-saxon culture (I’m half British originally but I’ve been living in the Bay Area for a decade now) and French culture specifically. Un grand merci à vous, Nadège: nous ne sommes pas si nombreuses à pouvoir bénéficier d’un tel regard critique, avec tout ce que cela revêt de positif, bien entendu.



Æther Cavendish

Artist, Writer, Tantrika. Practicing letting go, one attachment at a time.